The VHA wants to thank the following people for providing answers to questions from VHA members and Villages residents for the VHA Town Hall meeting: Dr. Gary Lester – Vice President Community Relations, Carrie Duckett – Deputy District Manager, Lt. Robert Siemer – District Lieutenant from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Department, Bradley Arnold – Sumter County Administrator.
- When will work begin on the site of the former Hacienda Hills Country Club?
Dr. Lester: That work is not scheduled yet.
- Now that more movies are being released, are plans moving forward on the Rialto and Barnstorm theaters?
Dr. Lester: The movie industry, while somewhat more active, is still in a state of flux. In addition, the movies being shown now at Old Mill Playhouse are more than meeting current demand.
- Now that the City of Lady Lake has changed the ruling for apartments in Spanish Springs, would you please give an update?
Dr. Lester: While we are not aware of any ruling change in Lady Lake, we are moving forward with apartments at the Van Patten House as has been reported in the Daily Sun
- Would you please explain why the Daily Sun newspaper did not publish the map of Christmas lights locations?
Dr. Lester: I shared this question with the Media Group and they are considering bringing back that feature. Thanks for the feedback.
- When will La Grande Blvd be repaved instead of refilling potholes?
Dr. Lester: It is scheduled for repaving the last week of February.
- Are there restrictions in place to limit how many adults and children are allowed to reside in a Villages residence whether with an owner or renter?
Carrie Duckett: The only restrictions in place limiting children residing in homes pertain to the Declaration of Restrictions. The Declaration of Restrictions provide that no person under the age of 19 may be a permanent resident of a home and are not able to reside for periods exceeding 30 days total in any calendar year period.
- What is the current percentage of Villages homes with one person age 55+ on the deed?
Dr. Lester: Federal Law calls for 80% or more of households in Age Restricted Communities to have at least one occupant over the age of 55 and over. The Villages, historically has always been well above that 80% mark.
Does the 55 and over person have to be on the deed or just living in the household? The 55 and over person has to be an occupant in the household.
- Would you please address the rumor the Championship golf course staff has been greatly reduced?
Dr. Lester: There has been no significant reduction in that staff.
- Would you please explain how the number of golf courses per household south of SR 44 compares with the number north of SR 44?
Dr. Lester: All golf courses in The Villages are open to all residents so we do not analyze it in terms of north or south of state highways or any other geographical features. We currently have 711 holes of golf in total with several more courses under construction as has been reported in the Daily Sun.
- Is there an established standard for the decibel level of sound from the entertainment at the Town Squares?
Dr. Lester: Ninety (90) decibels is the target knowing that can be impacted up or down somewhat by weather conditions.
- Would you please explain why The Villages does not have a loud siren Emergency Weather Alert system?
Carrie Duckett: NOAA recommends that with the current technology we have it is best to have a weather alert application on your phone or a weather radio. Check the county you live in as some counties offer a free weather alert system notification on their website that you can sign up for where you can be notified by text message or email of dangerous weather conditions.
Lake County: Go to
Marion County: Go to
Sumter County: Go to On the left side menu click on “Alert Sumter – Emergency Alert Program”
Should homeowners purchase a weather radio?
We recommend using both. The weather radio can be programmed at any one of The Villages Fire Stations if someone is available. However, someone is always available at Fire Station 44 located at 3035 S. Morse Blvd., The Villages, FL 32163.
- GATE CARD QUESTIONS: Gate cards can get lost, passed on to a friend, or no longer belong to the original owner after a house is sold.
Carrie Duckett: What information is stored on the gate card? The gate cards are assigned to a property that includes address and name of owner. The information is stored in a database not on the card.
Are gate cards deactivated after a house is sold? Yes, they are deactivated. Note: There is a $15 charge if the card is not turned in.
Can a chip from the gate card be inserted in a mirror to open the gate? The District does not sell or provide cards that can be inserted into a mirror. We do not recommend it or recommend purchasing cards that have not been issued by the District. The card number is turned off when the house is sold.
- Villages residents are often told that everyone pays the same amenity fees. Would you please explain why many residents pay different amounts?
Carrie Duckett: When a resident purchases a home (new or pre-owned), their amenity fee is determined based on the prevailing rate at the time of purchase (currently $179.00). Per the Declaration of Restrictions, the amenity fee is adjusted annually based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). As the CPI may vary monthly, the amount the amenity fee is adjusted will also vary.
- Would you please explain why the Villages Fitness Centers:
Do not accept any insurance plans?
Carrie Duckett: The Fit Clubs, located inside the Regional Recreation Center Complexes throughout The Villages, have had inquiries in regard to the “Silver Sneakers Program”. This program would require us to allow non-residents access and use of the Fit Clubs. Also, we do not hire recreation staff to track and process insurance paperwork.
Only accept cash as payment: The Fit Clubs accept cash, check, or credit cards.
- Could you please post the phone number for Community Watch on all the Villages postal station bulletin boards?
Carrie Duckett: We have several posts on the bulletin boards with District information – we will add the Community Watch Dispatch phone number to this information.
- Would you please explain the guidelines for RV parking on the street?
Carrie Duckett: In home units, the Declaration of Restrictions provide that RV parking is not permitted on the street. In the majority of villa units, parking in the street is not addressed. If there is a safety issue preventing emergency services getting through a call needs to be made to local law enforcement.
Is there a 72-hour limit for RV parking in the driveway? A 72-hour period is allowed for an RV if parked in the driveway.
- Not all streets have signs regarding U-turns. If a driver is turning right from a side street to a main road and a vehicle is making a U-turn on the main road, who has the right-of-way?
Lt. Siemer: Whoever is on the main road has the right-of-way unless there is a sign at the intersection indicating something different.
- Why is the right turn given the right-of-way heading east on CR 466?
Lt. Siemer: The left turn signal turns green (to south on Morse Blvd) the same time the right turn green arrow for north bound traffic can turn right onto CR 466. According to the County Engineer, it is common practice for the traffic making a U-turn to yield.
- When traveling north on Warm Springs Ave, many residents have complained about poor sightlines to the roundabout at the intersection with Marsh Bend Trail. What can be done to increase visibility to this roundabout?
Bradley Arnold: We have been monitoring this intersection and have recorded most of the accidents have occurred by intoxicated or reckless drivers. We continue to monitor this area. Follow posted speed signs for your safety upon entering the roundabout.
Note: Some questions sent for this Town Hall meeting were recently asked and answered. The complete Q & A of previous Town Hall Meetings are posted on the VHA website.
Questions related to The Villages landscaping, multi-modal paths, etc. can be submitted at any time to the appropriate department. Go to On the Home page lower left click on “Submit Feedback, Inquiry, or Concern.”