
New Adventure Coming Soon!

by Kenny Blocker
District Manager


The New Year has begun and we are so fortunate to live in Central Florida with the great weather.  The Villages offers so many outdoor activities and I’m excited to announce a new amenity; “The Lake Miona Walking Trail” will soon be available to residents of The Villages.

District Property Management is overseeing this project which will provide a ~3700’ length X 6’ width premier recreation amenity to The Villages.  The new path features an American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant trail that may be used for hiking, walking, nature trips, and birding through the wetland environment surrounding Black Lake Preserve & Lake Miona, which will highlight wildlife viewing opportunities.  The project, which was approved by the Project Wide Advisory Committee and Sumter Landing Community Development District, will be put out for competitive bid shortly, with construction and ribbon cutting expected in the spring of 2022.   Design features will include a “Flexi-Pave” rubberized trail surface and a 110’ elevated wooden boardwalk.

Flexi-Pave (pictured at right in the Wildwood area of The Villages) is a heavy-duty porous pavement made from recycled passenger tires. It is environmentally friendly, extremely porous, and is the premier surface type for lower impact walking trails and ideal for wet environments.  It is slip-resistant, ADA compliant, and resistant to freezing temperatures. Six inches of concrete ribbon curbing will be installed on each side, along with a gravel base for added stability and longevity.  Pervious pavement systems are recognized as a best management practice by the Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Florida, providing excellent longevity.

This new amenity will commence at the Lake Miona Recreation Complex and will continue in a northerly direction for nearly 3,700 feet, or 1.4 miles round trip.  There is ample parking available for cars and golf cars as well at the Lake Miona Recreation Complex.  For future updates on this project visit the District website at .


The Villages Country Club Pools

The Villages Country Club Pools are for the exclusive use of Villages Country Club Priority Members and their guest(s). Priority Pool Membership Enhancements are available to all Villages residents.

For more information on these memberships, please contact the Tee Time/Membership office at 750-4558.

All country club pools are family pools. If you wish a quieter pool setting, you may want to use one of the neighborhood pools.

Country Club Pools / Hours:
