Can you believe it? Another year has come and gone. It is time for a fresh start in 2023, and many changes will take place within The Villages Homeowner’s Advocates.
One of them is the format of our monthly publication, The Voice. This informational publication has been an insert within the Daily Sun for more than twenty years, but many of you may have never seen it. Our Board of Directors believes it is time to make our presence more visible. Change is not always easy, and we owe a big thank you to Jan Palmer, our Editor, for working through the process and making this new publication format possible.
Our organizational focus in 2023 will be: The Health and Welfare Of Our Residents. Plans are in place to provide our members with more than twenty informational events throughout the year in all areas of our community. Needs are different, based on area and demographics, so our area vice presidents are working to provide events based on those needs.
You are also going to realize that we are sending you to our website for more information on topics. This is an effort to allow you to find more information on a topic as we are able to provide more resources that are readily available with the click of your mouse. We will be maximizing the use of print material, our website, and social media to achieve our informative goals.
Many of our meetings will be “Members Only.” The capacity for many of our meetings is limited to 140. To reduce confusion and a logjam at the door, we are working with Tangent Media to allow our members to pre-register for meetings. That benefit will be in place for our January meetings. We will also make joining our organization available at the door. Our regular programs; New Resident Night, Golf Cart Safety Clinic, Bingo, and our Town Hall Meetings, will continue monthly or quarterly as scheduled. A complete schedule, with dates and locations are available here on the wesbsite .
We are working to be better communicators with you, and welcome you to communicate with us. Communication is an important aspect of who we are. We need to have a positive, constructive dialogue. This will allow us to continue with our mission, which is to solve problems, educate the community, and support philanthropic efforts. In 2023 I would challenge you to provide us with ideas on making our community even greater than it already is. Let us be proactive, instead of reactive.
With communication and respect for each other, we will continue our vision of “Keeping the Dream Alive.”
Peter Russell
President, The VHA