loha (it means hello and goodbye) from The Far South!
As anyone who has driven south of SR44 can attest, the buildings are going up at a furious pace. It seems like every day a new Village is popping up, bridges are being set, and rooftops are going on. It won’t be long before our once “Far South” region will be the epicenter of The Villages.
If any of you follow Don Wiley on YouTube and watch his amazing videos, you can see the progress on a weekly basis. If you’re not a YouTuber, he also posts his videos on the Villages District 12 FaceBook page. If you are not a member of that page, please join as I usually post information (as the VCDD 12 Supervisor) that is relevant to our area pertaining to The VHA and VCDD 12. It is also a great portal for neighbors to connect for information regarding our entire region as opposed to the more specific and localized FB groups such as Fenney, DeSoto, McClure, etc.
The Village of Chitty Chatty recently opened its postal center with accompanying mailboxes for The VHA, District Amenities and CIC. As usual, I have found numerous pieces of mail in The VHA mailbox, which was not intended for The VHA. Please be cognizant of which box you place your correspondence in. I try to get to the mailboxes every two weeks, but sometimes it’s just not possible. Therefore, whatever you put in The VHA box may sit for a spell before I can get it and put it in the proper box (I don’t want your bills getting delivered late!)
That being said, if anyone is interested in being a VHA helper please contact me. At this point all I need is someone to check the mailboxes in your Village. I live in Fenney and can continue to check Blue Heron and Spanish Moss. If anyone from DeSoto can check those boxes, that would be great. Then, likewise, I’d need someone from Linden, Cattail, Chitty Chatty, etc. to check those postal centers also. It’s as simple as checking the VHA box whenever you check your own mailbox! Then, if you have something, contact me and I’ll pick up the VHA stuff from you and get it to our office in Spanish Springs.
As always, please talk to your neighbors about joining The VHA and renewing their memberships. The VHA is an awesome organization and needs to increase our membership so that our voice remains strong. Hopefully, the recreation centers will get back to normal soon and we can once again have our monthly “New Resident Nights”. Until then, stay safe, stay distanced and stay covered.