I hope you are doing better than I am in keeping my New Year’s Resolutions. It’s almost Valentine’s Day, which is a great time to reflect on those we love. “Life is good, but the best is yet to be” is the motto my wife and I try to live by every day. Remember to tell your spouse how much you appreciate them, not just on Valentine’s Day.
The New Year is well underway and your VHA is off to a great start. The VHA’s January New Resident Night event at Ezell Recreation was a success. In fact, the room was filled to capacity with close to 300 people in attendance.
This month’s New Resident Night is again going to be held at Ezell on February 8th. Come early and don’t be disappointed. This is a great opportunity to learn from the folks who know – The VHA’s partners. Representatives will be there from many important agencies and service providers, including the Hospital, the District Government, the County Government, SHINE (find out what SHINE is and how it can help YOU) and many more. It is a unique opportunity, to get the answers to your questions, not just somebody’s opinion. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. to talk with the various presenters, with the actual program starting at 700 p.m.
On January 18th the Far South Region of The VHA arranged to have a presentation entitled, “Where Does Your Money Go?” by The Village Center Community Development District. The presentation was well received. Almost 200 attendees heard lots of great information and asked many good questions and got straight forward answers. Common misconceptions and false noodle-news was addressed. We hope to offer this program again in the future. Meanwhile, consider attending CDD Orientation. Go to www.districtgov.org.
Dave Fountaine, the Far South Assistant VP, took the time recently to introduce himself at the District satellite office and explained the concerns we have heard regarding excessive waste from construction sites that go beyond the small amount of debris that may fall off trucks. There now appears to be some improvement with this issue.
To support these programs, consider renewing your membership or joining The VHA – The Villages Homeowners Advocates – whose mission continues to be “Keeping the Dream Alive”. Your membership is vital to achieving that goal. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Roger Kass,
Interim Vice President, Far South