Be Predictable: When riding a bike, make your intentions clear to everyone on the road. Don’t do any sudden maneuvers. Always signal your intent by using proper and correct hand gestures. If another vehicle is near, get the attention of the driver so that the two of you can have a mind meld.
Be Conspicuous: Ride where people can see you. Wear bright clothing. Use lights front and rear. Have a loud horn.
Think Ahead: Some people call thinking ahead “Situational Awareness”. Others call it “Mindfulness.” Whatever term you choose, anticipate what drivers, pedestrians, and other people on bikes will do next. Scan. Think defensively.
Be Ride Ready: Make sure your equipment is ready before you ride. Check the air in your bike tires, make sure the brakes work, and satisfy yourself that chain, cranks/pedals, cables, cassette, and chain rings are in good repair.
Follow the Law: Your safety and the perception of bicyclists depend on you. To follow the law, first you must know the law. Most people do not. But we can teach you the law, maintenance, and skills. Take our class on Bike Safety through The Enrichment Academy. You can find our classes under the “SPORTS” category in the Learn and Grow Course Catalogue. Alternatively, look us up on the website:
by Diana Mirkin, Chair Person, Bicycle Friendly Advocacy Council