This will be my last monthly article for The Voice. For the past three years I have been honored to be your VP of The VHA Far South region. But the time has come to hand off the baton and allow a new VP to run with it. Starting September 1st Mr. Roger Kass will be the interim VP.
As some of you are aware, in addition to being VP for The VHA, I also serve as a VCDD 12 Supervisor, President of The Villages Republican Club, volunteer Big Brother with the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Tampa, full-time caregiver to my mom, and have recently decided to run for the Sumter County Board of Commissioners. With the election only a year away, I need to dedicate more time to my campaign.
I will continue to organize our food drive for the Wildwood Soup Kitchen and assist the new VP in any way that I can. I will also continue to administer our “Villages District 12&13” Facebook page where I will post pertinent information regarding the VCDD and The VHA. Due to the fact that I am running for the BOCC, I cannot run for the VCDD 12 seat, which will open next year. I encourage anyone who is interested in serving our community to consider running.
Thank you to everyone who has assisted me over the years in making The VHA a better organization. I hope that it continues to grow and continues to make the Far South region a better place to live and play.
Thank you and stay safe,
Andrew Bilardello