The VHA South team took the slogan “Get Involved, Make a Difference” to a whole new level! As of Feb. 9, 2024, we registered 11 new Neighborhood Representatives and enrolled over 53 new or renewal members. In the South, we currently have at least one neighborhood representative in all, but one village, and we are actively recruiting for that village. In most villages, we have at least two Neighborhood Representatives.
The New Neighborhood Representatives, as well as our existing NRs, were invited to tour the new Villages Charter High School. Dr. Randy McDaniel guided this tour, and everyone can rest a little easier knowing the young leaders of The Villages will be well prepared to lead! After 20 to 25 minutes, it is easy to forget the beauty and uniqueness of this facility when you hear Dr. McDaniel begin to speak on the curriculum and education for these kiddos (his term for the students). I can say that none of us on this tour had anything but admiration for Dr. McDaniel and this amazing facility. We can all thank the developer for looking so far into the future and presenting this gift to our students and community!
Our tour included a brief review of the 15 academies offered at The Villages Charter School for juniors and seniors. We also met several students in these various academies. All the students were engaging and looked in your eyes while speaking – this was truly remarkable in our times. Thank you, Dr. McDaniel, for an enlightening experience we will remember for years!
As of January 2024, the South team has begun a program to print and hopefully hand-deliver membership cards to our new members. This gives our Neighborhood Representatives an opportunity to meet the new members and create relationships within the community.
In February, the South VHA team hosted the “Golfing in the Villages” program at the Ezell Recreation center at 6:00 pm. Our March program is Deed Restrictions and Community Standards. This is scheduled for March 27th at 6:00 pm at Ezell Recreation Center. So, please try and remember “Get Involved” and “Make a Difference”!
Mike Williamson
VHA Vice President – South