News from the Central Area
Between 466 and 466A
Have noticed that with all my free time, I have been able to read a lot more. My brother was a big reader and he was always talking about authors he liked and whose books I should read. Unfortunately, he died about a year ago and as I was taking care of his affairs, I inherited a pile of books, so I started reading all of them. Most are novels and I must admit that I have enjoyed them a lot. Many are who-done-it books and real page-turners. I am sure many of you have been doing more reading as well. One of my neighbors is using this time to work on a book he is writing that is a true adventure story involving world travel by boat. Now that is one that I look forward to reading.
But in other reading I have picked up some interesting items: With a national election coming up I found that you can easily check to make sure you are registered to vote by going to the Florida government site – to either register to vote or check to see that you are registered. I knew that Carol and I were registered but I wanted to try out the government website for this. Very user-friendly and confirmed our information.
Another site is one from the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. They have just produced a Florida Safe Survey. According to them this “allows individuals to access their behaviors during the pandemic and learn how those behaviors affect their own health and the health of others.” A report is generated which is interesting and it provides us with a reminder of being aware of how our
habits and existing conditions can have a bearing on our risks and survivability. To take the survey go to
So, I guess being somewhat confined is not all bad. Besides cleaning out the garage and other previously put-off household projects, I am also learning a few things.
Did you know: That you can have old flags properly disposed of by bringing them to the American Legion. But also, I had occasion to visit Flags and Flag Poles at 211 South HWY 27-441 in Lady Lake. I met a nice gentleman there (I think he was the owner) who gave me some good information and I noticed that he will also take old flags for disposal. I think he does it in conjunction with the American Legion, but it is a nice service to offer since many people shop there for new flags.
Stay healthy and safe!