
By now, you may have read that The Village Homeowners Advocates, Inc. (The VHA) is joining with the Florida Department of Transportation “Safe Mobility for Life” coalition to help promote FDOT’s program of the same name. The VHA cares deeply about this program because, as retirees, we know our reflexes and driving judgment can be impacted by advancing age. It seems sad, but it’s really just a fact of life.

However, giving up on automobile operation doesn’t mean we have to give up on getting around.

Here are some useful links at FDOT’s website on Safe Mobility for Life. When you have a moment, check out some of their resources. It’s free.

Main Web Page:

Safe Mobility for Life Guide:  Note: This is a large guide that you can order for free or download a .pdf file that is huge. Also on this page are some checklists, self-assessment, and planning tools to help your or a loved one evaluate your own circumstance.

Resource Center:  Note: This page is full of handy tip sheets on using public transit and transportation networks, cycling, walking, golf cart safety, and roadway safety.  You can order these or download them.

YouTube Channel:

And keep checking for events and articles at The VHA’s website and The VHA

Facebook page

Karl Arps
VHA VP, Northen Area