
For many years, The VHA has hosted a quarterly Town Hall meeting, where representatives of District Government, The Villages developer, County government, law enforcement, and occasionally health care systems respond to concerns and questions that have been submitted by VHA members.

The next VHA Town Hall Meeting will be held on July 18, 2023, at Laurel Manor Recreation Center with a Meet and Greet at 9:30 AM.

Please note that, beginning with this event, the Town Hall will have a format change. The meeting will open with our partners discussing one or two topics that are relevant to the entire community. Following that discussion, we will have a presentation and question-and-answer time with another or our partners.

The July Town Hall will feature Heather Long, CEO UF Health Central Florida.

Does this mean that The VHA is abandoning its role as advocate for residents? Absolutely not! In fact, the new VHA Issues Team will react to questions or complaints that arrive on our website or via phone, US Mail, or email. No longer will people have to wait for as much as 90 days to get answers.

Responses will be handled by the Team members. The issue would be transmitted through the Area VP, who would, if desired, work the issue with the Rep the first time or two. As a result, we should be greatly improving our response times while making the Town Hall get-togethers much more engaging.

Attendance at The VHA Town Hall is closed. Only VHA officers, directors, and Neighborhood Representatives are invited to attend. If you ever wanted to attend a Town Hall and are already a Rep, don’t miss this one. It will be far more interesting than past Town Halls, and it is not information that you will pick up in the Voice.

If you are a VHA member, and are interested in volunteering, consider becoming a VHA Neighborhood Representative, contact your Area Vice-President to indicate your interest and desire to attend the July 18th VHA Town Hall. The Area VP’s are: