
This e-mail serves as notification that beginning on Monday, January 29, 2024, at 10:00 am, Integrated Facilities and Security Systems (IFSS) will commence the replacement of equipment enclosures, referred to as “Ice Boxes,” at 53 District-owned gate locations.  This is one of the final required maintenance upgrades under this contract, and this work was previously funded by both Amenity Authority Committee (AAC) and Project Wide Advisory Committee (PWAC).  This initiative has been prompted by the deteriorated state of the enclosures, which no longer offer adequate protection from the elements to protect the electronic equipment within them (gate hardware, control boards, cameras, etc.), and they have exceeded their useful life expectancy. The project will kick off in the Village of Spanish Springs and generally move North to South.

 During the equipment replacement process, each gate arm at the 53 locations will be shut down and removed from service for 3-5 days (per location). To ensure public safety throughout the duration of each replacement, Community Watch will provide barricades equipped with STOP signs.  It is important to highlight that IFSS will conduct the replacements during daytime hours only, and no night work will be involved in this project.  All traffic should exercise caution and reduce speed when approaching a gate in which the arm has been removed from service.

 We appreciate your attention to this matter and understanding as we work to continually enhance the functionality and security of our gate locations.  If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to District Property Management.