
You have all heard me talk about or seen in print the VHA motto “Get Involved – Make a Difference.” In the past, I have not indicated how you might go about getting involved, but today I have a specific suggestion on how you might contribute to our community. It involves CDD Supervisor Boards. CDD Board Supervisors are responsible for allocating funds for maintenance and, through PWAC, advising spending for amenities.

During the next election process, we will be electing board members for our local CCD’s. These positions are critical to the future of our community. Think about it: We need to elect members to these boards with positive attitudes and who can participate in constructive dialogue. We need to elect board members who will continue to maintain and enhance our community.

Several CDD boards in our community are well-balanced, positive boards that do not require adjustments. Others need help. Some will have vacancies created with the retirement of members. We all need to be aware of the vacancies and work to select people to fill the positions that will be productive, positive members of the board.

The VHA is a 501c(3) organization, which prohibits us from being a Political Acton Committee. We cannot finance or be involved in political campaigns. However, we can ask you to attend your local CDD meeting and interview those up for reelection after the meeting. If you are not satisfied with that interview, “Get Involved – Make a Difference.”

The closing date for filing to be elected as a CDD Board Supervisor is June 14th. The filing is done through the County Supervisor of Elections. If you have questions about what is involved with CDD boards, time commitments, or anything else about the process, email me at [email protected]. “Get Involved – Make a Difference.”

Peter Russell, VHA President