Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful and safe holiday with family and friends. Let us pray that 2022 is a healthy year for us all and that we can look back on the COVID-19 and the economic and political challenges of the last year as a distant memory.
The VHA has planned an active start to the New Year, on January 11 with The VHA’s New Resident Night. For the first time this informative program will be held in The Far South area at the Ezell Recreation Center. This will be your opportunity to learn from various representatives of the community how things work in The Villages. It is a unique opportunity. If you haven’t attended, or want a refresher on the resources available, please join us. The doors open at 6:30 PM to talk with the various presenters, and the presentations start at 7:00 p.m. See the back page of this issue of The Voice for more details.
On January 18th at 7:00 PM in the Everglades Regional Recreation Center, the Far South Region of The VHA has arranged to have “Where Does the Money Go?” presented by The Village Community Center Development District. The presentation will explain what is, and what is not, covered by your Amenity Fee, and the District Maintenance fee that is included in the annual County non-ad valorem portion of your tax bill. Common misconceptions and false noodle-news will be discussed. This meeting is open to ALL Villages Residents, renters, and their guests. In addition to our longtime residents, I encourage newer residents to attend.
As promised, The VHA has arranged for more meetings to be held South of US 44. We are one of the first groups to schedule our large meetings in the newest recreation facility, Ezell. In addition to The VHA’s New Resident Night meeting in January, we have scheduled six additional meetings in 2022. We are working to bring you the information and support you want closer to home. Meanwhile, if you have questions, suggestions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Roger Kass,
Interim Vice President, Far South