
Hi Neighbors!

This month’s article is about Community Watch and our Law Enforcement.

To help keep us safe, we have Law Enforcement Agencies like the Sheriffs and Police Departments, locks, dogs, neighbors, security systems, camera systems, lighting systems, the 2nd Amendment, 911, and more ex-military, and more ex-law enforcement, than most communities in the country, outside of a military base. In addition, we have Community Watch. I appreciate all of the above.

The Villages Community Watch is a wonderful organization. They are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Community Watch has Patrols, Gate Attendants, Gate Operations, and Dispatch/Communications. Community Watch offers a House Check program, a Resident Out-of-Area Program, and an Adult Watch Program. To learn more about these programs call them at 352-753-0550.

To learn more about our local government, I have taken, and recommend, The Villages Orientation, and The Villages Resident Academy. You can sign up for Orientation by calling Customer Service at 352-753-4508. And to register for the Resident Academy, go to .

Did you know that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) is a Law Enforcement Agency? They are State Law Enforcement.

By the way, are you interested in becoming a Central Area VHA Neighborhood Representative, or a VHA Assistant Vice President? If so, please email me at the address below.

Ellie Decker, Vice President
[email protected] 