The VHA Quarterly Town Hall Report – October 2020
Question and Answer Summary Report
for October 2020
The VHA wants to thank the following people for providing answers for VHA members and Villages residents for this VHA Town Hall: Dr. Gary Lester – Vice President Community Relations; Richard Baier – Villages District Manager; Blair Bean – Director District Property Management (DPM); John Rohan – Director of Recreation; Deborah Snyder from the office of Bradley Arnold – Sumter County Administrator.
1. Would you please give an update on providing music in the town squares? There is concern that it may no longer be every night.
Dr. Lester: Music in the Town Centers has resumed and there are no plans to discontinue.
2. Can the multi-modal path that runs along the Hacienda Hills golf course from the Sumter County line to Soledad Way be cleaned up? The sand on the path is particularly dangerous to cyclists and it is unattractive.
Blair Bean: District maintains the paved path and CPM Golf maintains all the adjacent landscaping. The District will clean the sand off the path to resolve this immediate complaint and CPM Golf will have their landscape contractor blow the path off periodically moving forward to keep sand from accumulating on the path. (CPM: Commercial Property Management)
3. Why were the rules for the “Reasonable Accommodations” passes changed to meet state disability regulations and the authority taken away from our local doctors? There are many Senior Residents that need help when it comes to walking uphill, downhill, and distance. In some cases, these residents do not meet the states’ disability requirements. Someone in a temporary walking boot or knee brace may need assistance to play, but for only a few months.
Richard Baier: Reasonable Accommodations are made based upon the State of Florida standards and for liability reasons the District will follow this state standard. Local physicians still play the same role as defined within this standardized process.
4. Could you please explain what happened to the Autonomous Car Program? Is it still active and, if so, what is the status?
Dr. Lester: Voyage has temporarily paused its service to The Villages community due to the pandemic. In the meantime, they have been enhancing their services and technologies in preparation for a relaunch in The Villages. Stay tuned to The Daily Sun for announcements about their return.
5. Could you please respond to these questions about the movie theaters:
a. What is the projected update for opening?
Dr. Lester: We continue to monitor the release schedules for new movies and will announce a reopening date based on the availability of new movies.
b. Are there plans for people to pay for movie tickets online?
Dr. Lester: That convenience is under consideration as we are always looking for ways to make the movie going experience more enjoyable to our guests.
c. Will people be able to select seats?
Dr. Lester: You can expect many new enhancements and services as we work to provide a safe and entertaining environment to moviegoers.
6. The area around the Hacienda Hills site does not seem large enough to hold 285 units. Could you please address these concerns:
a. How tall a structure is planned for the apartments?
Dr. Lester: While there is no building design at this time, by law, the elevation cannot exceed 50 feet.
b. Will the Hacienda Hills Country Club Palms nine portion of the golf course be used?
Dr. Lester: No. As has been reported several times in The Daily Sun, there is no such plan.
7. Could you explain why certain CDDs are no longer permitted to make anonymous complaints?
Richard Baier: CDD 5 has voted to require staff to have complainants give their name and associated information. Of course, the easiest way to stay clear of any of these processes (anonymous or not) is to follow your deed restrictions.
8. Are there plans to have Neighborhood Watch report deed violations?
Richard Baier: There are not any plans to have Community Watch report Deed Violations.
9. Questions regarding pools include the following:
a. When will the Chula Vista pool remain open past 9:15 PM?
John Rohan: The Chula Vista Pool hours will be reviewed in the next round of phasing in for November 2020.
b. Can anything be done about the rough surface on the steps and pool bottom at St. James and Sterling Heights pools?
Blair Bean: Both pools are approximately 9 years old and are in good condition. Condition assessments are scheduled to be performed this fiscal year FY 20/21 (10-year Anniversary for these pools) as part of the budget development. Prior to this DPM has not received any complaints regarding rough surfaces at these pools. (DPM: District Property Management)
10. In Brownwood, at the intersection of West Torch Lake Drive and Shady Nook Run, can 4-way stop signs replace the two-way stop signs?
Blair Bean: Every year there is a request to review this intersection for installation of a 4-way stop configuration. The intersection does not meet the traffic warrants required to install a 4-way stop and shall be left, as signed, with no stop required for the primary traffic flow on West Torch Lake Drive.
11. Can the directional arrows at the Buena Vista Blvd and El Camino Roundabout be placed farther back to provide an earlier warning to vehicles? Motorists traveling north on Buena Vista in the left lane have been seen crossing into the right lane abruptly to make a right turn onto El Camino. This places cyclists and other vehicles in a dangerous situation.
Deborah Snyder: I reviewed this roundabout and this location has the proper signage and pavement markings in the correct locations. The signage and pavement markings are also consistent with all of the other roundabouts in The Villages. The situation described, where a vehicle switches from the left (inside) lane into the right lane to make a right turn, from Buena Vista Boulevard to El Camino Real is unnecessary as there is a lane to accept the right turn from the inside (left) roundabout lane.
12. Can maintenance service be increased around the Tarrson Blvd. postal station and multi-modal path in the Village of Silver Lake?
Blair Bean: The postal station referenced is not District property. The adjacent multi-modal path is District property and the DPM Landscape Division will meet with the contracted vendor to ensure this area is being maintained in accordance with the contract. The Landscape Division supervisor assigned to that area will inspect weekly to ensure compliance.
The VHA holds Town Halls quarterly with representatives of the various agencies who are best able to answer the questions and concerns we receive. The next Town Hall is scheduled for January 19, 2021. Residents can submit queries using The VHA Contact form in each edition of The Voice, or via our ‘Town Hall Question Submission Form‘ located on this webste.