
My name is Mike Dollard, and it is my pleasure to introduce myself as your new South Area Vice President for The VHA.  I am from Western NY, and spent my entire real-life career in government accounting/management. (Sounds like an oxymoron but western NY had been doing quite well until the last decade).

Professionally, in reverse order, I was a town manager for twelve years until retirement, the Chief of Accounting for a county, and an accountant/auditor strictly in the municipal field.  From this, I developed a reputation for helping troubled units get out of fiscal stress and turning around units that had “run off the rails”.

I also had a second career as a licensed EMT/EMT-A for 34 years; originally as a part time volunteer.  When volunteerism began to disappear, I worked for municipal and commercial firms.  After a benevolent early retirement, I did it full time for several years until we came here.  My claim to fame is that I delivered nine babies.

I’m looking forward to getting to know my fellow residents in The South Area, serving as your spokesperson with The VHA, and working together with you once things get back to normal.